P2 Risk Assessment

Risk assessment application

When filming the two angels, we didn't run into many risks, but there were some that needed to be considered. For one, a problem we stumbled upon that interrupted our filming session was snow. One time when we were scheduled to film outside, the snow prevented this session as the weather is hazardous by causing potential slips, destroying atmosphere continuity, equipment damage, a cold environment and affecting the actors' costuming. So, since we couldn't go out in the snow, we decided to edit the current footage that we had and filming at a later date was negotiated and issued. 

Another issue that we came across was the noise of the public. When filming in Mile End, there was a lot of pedestrians and traffic, thus meaning that filming in this environment with decent sound was almost unachievable unless we moved to a more subterranean area like near the canal. However, at this point we had already accumulated a good portion of shots, so changing locations abruptly would ruin continuity and so we decided to cope with what we had. Although it was very difficult for us to get rid of the background noise in the post-production process when filming as it was too prevalent and vociferous. 

Another issue that we faced was filming in the middle of the road, as we overlooked the fact that filming on the pavement in Mile End just outside the station was not possible as pedestrians were constantly going in and out. Thus we had to carry the tripod across the road and in the middle of the road which is moderately risky as this would easily affect the crew who filmed in the middle of the road if a car accident occurred. Besides that, it could also affect them if cars were driving at a high speed, so the wind could affect their balance. This was only for a single shot however, so it wasn't an ongoing risk. But it is definitely something to take precaution of.
